How To Clean Vinyl Wallpaper

How To Clean Vinyl Wallpaper

Knowing how to clean vinyl wallpaper can be tough at first. If you have wallpaper in your home and other humans or pets live there with you, your wallpaper will get dirty over time. It's not just wallpaper, either. Most wallpapers today are vinyl-coated, and therefore washable and easy to clean. If you're not careful in the cleaning process, however, you can damage your wallpaper.

Kinds of Wallpaper Materials

There are several types of wallpaper, including vinyl, fabric, acrylic, and more. Your cleaning process will be determined by what kind of wallpaper you have. The first resource to check to clean your wallpaper properly is the manufacturer's instructions. Vinyl coated wallpaper is coated with acrylic or vinyl on the surface. Being most resistant to grease, water, and other stains, it cleans very easily. It can be lightly scrubbed, but it's not recommended to use an abrasive cleaner, rough sponge, or anything that will irritate the material. You'll most often find vinyl wallpapers in children's rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. Anywhere that stains and water will often be present is a great place for vinyl wallpaper. Solid vinyl wallpaper is a bit tougher than regular vinyl and can be washed and scrubbed. Abrasive cleaners should still be avoided.

mudroom with floral vinyl wallpaper

Fabric wallpaper gives a textured look that is extremely classy and used commonly amongst interior designers. It is a solid choice for moisture-filled rooms because when applied to a clean wall because it is less prone to fostering mildew due to its breathability.

Plain paper wallpaper is a vintage-style that can be a stunning display of embossed designs and come in a large range of colors. Naturally, it's the most delicate type of wallpaper. If you have paper wallpaper, check with the manufacturer to see if there is a protective covering on it.

How to Clean Vinyl Wallpaper

Vinyl wallpapers are wonderful options for active areas in your home that are filled with children and pets. With vinyl wallpaper, you can clean very easily. Limitless Walls provides several options for wallpaper that aren't only easily applied, but can also be taken down in no time. So, when your walls have been well-loved by kids, it's easy to remove the wallpaper and start new. Limitless Walls has fabric and canvas coated options that are a peel-and-stick format, with No paste required. This makes the entire process much easier and can be cleaned when needed.

When cleaning your wallpapers, dusting is a great start. You'd be surprised at how much dust can accumulate on walls, especially towards the tops and bottoms where they seldom come into contact with other objects. An extendable duster will help with cleaning hard to reach spaces. Wipe off fingerprints and smudges with a damp cloth. When cleaning washable wallpaper, it can be cleaned very easily. Materials that should be avoided in the cleaning process are abrasive materials and cleaners, and any products containing bleach. These will ruin your wallpaper.

The manufacturer's instructions for cleaning should be the first step in your process. Try doing a spot test first when cleaning to ensure that you won't damage your wallpaper. Choose a spot that is easily hidden by furniture, so it won't be obvious if a mark is left. Always clean and wipe in the direction of the wallpaper seams, usually up and down. Start at the bottom to avoid drips and streaks down the wallpaper. Clean one section at a time, to avoid any cleaner drying and soaking into the wallpaper. Some stores carry particular wallpaper cleaners, so you may want to purchase such.

Vinyl wallpaper (and most other wallpapers!) can be cleaned with soap and water, however. Using warm water and a mild dishwashing detergent can work great. Make sure to rinse with a clean sponge after washing, and then dry with a microfiber cloth, so as to not leave lint behind. If you're cleaning for stain removal, you'll have to use a dry cleaning sponge. Other formulas for cleaning stains can be household mixtures like cornstarch and water, and dry borax have also been known to work. Some stains are tougher to attack than others. Certain stains like crayons, grease, or others can be more challenging. If the stain is in an area where children or pets are commonly active, you may want to consider a nontoxic alternative, rather than a commercial wallpaper cleaner found in a hardware store.

Ask about our peel-and-stick removable option!

Many people think of wallpaper as a thing of the past, like in your grandmother's house with gaudy, vintage flowers everywhere. However, wallpaper is now modernized to any look you want and is being used by interior designers everywhere. Limitless Walls provides you the ability even to use your own photos and designs as your wallpaper. You just have to send your design or photo over, and they'll do the rest. You can have your favorite vacation spot or handmade design on your walls in no time. Wallpaper doesn't have to look like your grandmother's house anymore. It has a new, modern twist that brings in something refreshing and new. Especially with removable wallpaper, if you decide you want a fresh change in a few years, you can take it down quickly and easily and do something different.

Wallpaper is a great option for your house. It's easy to clean and can be easily applied and removed. If you're looking for a new way to spice up your home, consider using wallpaper. With just a few supplies, you can clean up stains and have it looking brand new. Rather than stressing about the newly painted walls, you'll have to have redone after the kids go crazy with markers. Enjoy the lesser hassle with a cleanable, removable wallpaper to make your life at home easier!

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